A seamstress journey to revamping and building her wardrobe and costume chest.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sunday Roses

Sunday was Easter and that means pretty dresses and hats.

I knew I had to make something pretty to wear. I needed something bright and fun. It had to say SPRING IS HERE. I want it to have a retro feel and be comfortable cause I was going to be doing some cooking. I was very Stepford Spring picnic.

It's been a long time since I had a new Easter dress. I think the last time I had a new dress for Easter I was about 10 years old. That a long time for a girl not to have a pretty dress for Easter. So this year I decide that this year I would make a new dress for Easter. I used my go to  circle skirt pattern and  I used the top of a dress pattern I had. I made a few adjustment to the bodice before I started  sewing.

first I made the skirt
Second Day: was bodice work. my facing flipped out. I also made a test button, my first button.
Button making on the third day
After tacking down all my facing my dress was ready to wear. Slipped on a petticoat, I wore my royal blue one. I love the way the blue looks with the yellow. 

Thanks to my cousin Anissa of TE STUDIOS for the pictures. We tried out her big fancy camera instead of my little camera with a mini makeshift photo shoot.


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