A seamstress journey to revamping and building her wardrobe and costume chest.

Friday, January 17, 2014

18th Century Stays: lets start sewing

Yesterday I started sewing on my stays. Again.
here's the story
 Besides the other projects I was working on, I had some issues with the stays.
I started sewing on the stays a day after doing all the cutting. I was following the instructions for the pattern and finding them easy to follow but that wasn't working out for me. I found the look and fit to be off. I was on the second layer and I gave up. I looked at my "stays" and decided to rip them apart and start over. I needed to throw out the instructions from this point on. I also decided to re-cut the second layer.
I had to figure out a way for me to do this without wanting to jump off my roof.  So I decided I was going to sew the outer layer and the cotton canvas interfacing together piece by piece instead of sewing  the pieces together then put the layers together. That was the problem I was having the first go around.
I found doing it my way was easier and faster. Also felt like I had more control over the fabric.

I drew the bone casing lines on the interfacing. Now the instructions really didn't say much about boning and since i was doing my on thing I just had to go with the flow. I just added boning were I felt it would work for me. Not sure if I will use all the casing yet but when I get there I will figure that out.

Now that I had the outer layer and the interfacing sewn together I could put the pieces together.

After sewing the pieces together I tried it own before moving on and thank the sewing gods it felt better then the first go.

Here are the stays without boning or laced up.

There have been many times I wanted to stop and just buy stays from another costumer but then I would have not had the great joy of learning. 

I still have a lot to do and it's driving me crazy. I want them to be done already.


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