A seamstress journey to revamping and building her wardrobe and costume chest.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Skulls and Roses

Whipped up a quick skirt from a beautiful fabric I had. I had got my hands on this coll skulls and roses fabric. As soon as I saw this fabric I knew I need to make something to wear. I wanted to make something quick since I was in between projects so I went with the skirt since it would only take a few hours and I already had a spare zipper. NO extra supplies need. Besides I love a skirt, so I make tons of them.

The fabric before cutting

Skirt before  I finished the hem.
Before I had started on the hem I tried the skirt on and discover that the skirt was to big in the waist. I had lost inches with my weight lost. I had made the skirt using my pattern I used for previous skirts. It's like riding a bike I just went for it. Well after the try on I had about 3 inches of room. I had to rip the waist band off and remove the zipper to take the skirt in. After getting that done I completed the skirt.

The skirt is still a bit big and I'm going to have to take it in a bit more. 

Bonus look at one of my current project. 
Lillian  is rocking the London Plaid cape now getting revamped with a vintage fox fur collar I got my hands on. It's just sitting on there cause I have to re-cut the collar for it the fit properly. But first I still have to get a few little things done.

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

Current project and my little fabric stash

Right now I'm just taking a break before I movie on to the next costume project. Working on a skirts, fixing something here and there... Just  little things to keep me busy.

I had got this cool Skulls and Roses fabric and whipped up a quick skirt.

I have done everything but the hem I have to re thread my serger and I'm not in the mood to do that right now so I'll finish the skirt tomorrow.

I also have a few thing like patching up a pair of jeans, replacing a zipper in a pair of pants, and changing out old elastic in a top. I have a to get these things out the way before I start work on my new skirt foundations for another 18th century costume and my red ball gown.

I have been stashing fabric like a squirrel collecting nuts. I'm getting fabric for a few dresses and skirts for next summer. I have a few events I'm hoping to get the chance to attend next year and I'm planning my wardrobe.

 When I saw this fabric I had to get it. I have loved Archie comics since I was a little girl. Betty and Veronica are two of my favorite comic ladies in the world.
 Getting this fabric involved a trip to a different state. Vintage Marvel comic covers. The colors in this fabric is the best, it's going to be a fun dress.
 1950s Elvis portrait fabric. I have loved Elvis since I was little girl. Saw the fabric and it was on sale, I had to get. I have to make a dress and plan a trip to Graceland.
 This was the first fabric I bought to put into my stash. I love the colors. It's going to be a nice summer dress.

This fabric is for my next 18th century costume. I have really decided  what type of dress it's going to be but I already have the petticoat made.

Keeping with my 18th century love. I saw this fabric and just had to get it. not sure what I'm going to do with it yet but I do love.
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