A seamstress journey to revamping and building her wardrobe and costume chest.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My First "Historical" and movie Costumes I ever made part 2

My next costume was again a practice run. Again I would not call it historical accurate only cause I'm not sure how accurate the pattern I use was.
This time around I went for  the REGENCY ERA. I'm a huge fan of Jane Austen, love the book and the movies were my first look at the era. In high school I wrote research papers about that era and it's fashion. Since I had enjoyed making the last costume and I had  fabric just laying around I decide to give it a go. Never can have enough practice.

I have know idea what kind of fabric this was. It was in a bag of fabric that was given to me. There was enough yards to give this dress a go so I did. the sleeves were to tight and just didn't fit right at the shoulder. I could not get the bodice detail right . The instruction aren't very clear on that part. but now that I know what to do for the next time. I have to adjust the length of the skirt. When I started the skirt I forgot to shorten it for my short frame. It's almost impossible for me to walk in it. it's like a little girl playing dress up in mommy stuff.
Before I can even think about making another Regency dress I have to make the proper under garments. I didn't have stays ( I now know how important the proper undergarment are for the look). I did have on a corset but it was more Victorian era then Regency. It was all I had and it looked better then it did with just me wearing a bra. So the lesson I learned at that moment is always have proper under garment for the era.

It's not the best thing I have ever made but  now I know what to do when I want to work with the Regency era again.

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Monday, December 30, 2013

My First "Historical" and movie Costumes I ever made part 1

Well I wouldn't call them historically accurate, not at all. But they are somewhere along those lines.
My first costume
Earlier this year I entered a contest just for fun and sewing practice. The contest called for you to make a garment based on a costume from a movie using the company's patterns. As a lover of movies and movie costume I just had to give it a go.

The movie I chose was Moulin Rouge. It one of my favorites, and I chose my favorite costume that Satine wore. Her grey walking gown, It was only on screen for a few minutes but I love it. Every time I watch Moulin Rogue I fall in love with it.

My version isn't exactly like that but it's close enough to were I placed runner up in the contest. From what I could tell cause as hard as I tried I really couldn't find much information on the dress. I figured it was made of wool and velvet, neither one of those fabric were in my budget. I went for a grey suiting fabric that I found on sale. It was light weight and easy to work with, this was my first time working with a costume pattern and making a costume of any sort. 
I used the skirt pattern as instructed, I only re-sized it, I had to go up a size, my backside is a little larger then the size of the pattern. But for the Jacket I had to do some reworking. I had to crop it and rework the sleeves.
There was some problems and issues but I was happy with how it can out. I wish took more pictures of the making of it. at the time I wan't into really blogging about my pain. It was a learning experience that I enjoyed and jumped started my love of making costumes not just admiring them.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

on the hunt

I'm finally breaking down and letting the purse strings loose and getting a dress-form. I have been putting off getting one cause they are pretty expensive for someone with a very limited budget. But now it's time to invest in one before I start my 18th century project. It's not like it's a one time use thing, it will come in handy more then once.
The professional  dress forms from design school have spoiled me. It was my first time working with those ladies and I loved using them. They really did make seeing problem areas of your garment, draping, prefect fit, and pattern drafting easier. I  After school I just worked with my own body and the bathroom mirror, sometime asking my sisters if the back looked okay. It wasn't bad but I know it would be easy with a different view. I looked into getting one a few years ago but price and the fact that I was so in love with the ones from school standing in my way. Now that I'm starting my costuming life I think it would come in handy if I went on and got myself a friend. I would love to get a professional dress form but there is no way I can afford it. So I am no longer a dress form snob ( I can't afford to be)
So the hunt begins... looking for an affordable dress form. There are so many choices out there what's a girl to do.

I know that most at home seamstresses own adjustable  dress  form with the dials.

This will work out fine, even it the bust is  not quit right or the waist, hips, butt....
to be honest I don't look like any dress form out there but they are small problems that can be fixed with a little extra padding. With one of the form above I can use it for my everyday sewing and for my costuming projects.

But then I found this beauty

This dress form is actually an display dress form. she would be great for displaying my garments for pictures. I'm not sure if she would be great for sewing, drafting, or using her for actual work. This is also a cheap then the adjustable dress forms with shipping included, that a win for her. She would be great for displaying after I have finished to post on here and in my portfolio.

I wish I could get two, one of each a workable sewing dress form and a nice display dress form. Maybe with my birthday coming up in February I'll get some money to add to my sewing supply fund to get one now and start saving for another later on.

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Helpful Christmas Gift

I had  pretty merry Christmas. I got really good gifts, only three but they are really good. I got a crock pot, Disney Animators Collection Cinderella doll and Seventeenth ads Eighteenth-Century Fashion in Detail book. I'm so happy to have this book. I love looking at the close up pictures and details of the workman ship. It will come in handy as I start my 18th century project.

I'm running out of space for my books. I'm going to have to get a bookcase for more growing collection. i would love to have my sewing table back.

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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Christmas Accessories

Last month I decided I needed to make myself something to wear for Christmas. I made two skirts for next week, great out of the way and ready to wear. But knowing myself I knew I needed something more... accessories.
I love having  accessories that match or coordinate with my outfits. Most of the time I just make a nice thing to wear in my hair but this time around I wanted something different. After digging around my boxes of craft stuff I came across a little zip lock bag of metal shoe clips that i had bought earlier this year. That's it, I'll make Christmas shoe clips. Now that I know what I going to make I just need to get the other supplies, like what I am I going to make the shoe clip out of?
Well one day I was walking pass the Christmas tree and I saw the light. We have two Christmas trees in my home, the main tree and a mini tree. A mini tree with mini ornaments small enough to fit on shoe clip yet large enough to be seen. So I grabbed a few off the tree when no one was around and went off to my room. Ready to start crafting right? No way! One pair of shoe clips wouldn't do, I have two skirts so I need more ornaments to make two sets of clips. I couldn't take more of the tree so I went to the store to find  something. I didn't planning on spending money on this project but I just had to have two pairs. Luckily I found ornaments for 98 cent a piece. I had all my supplies for two pairs of shoe clips, a fascinator, and a hair clips. Now I can get to work!

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Friday, December 20, 2013

Gidget Jo's Closet

This blog is going to be my journey to revamping my closet and starting my costume chest. I'm a seamstress and I enjoy making my own clothes. I'm a lover of vintage/ retro fashion and I'm getting rid of (most) of my modern style clothing. so this year I plan on filling my closet with new things. I have also found my love for historical fashion greater than just looking at pictures. I have finally worked up the courage to start my costumer life. I will post new projects and lots of pain.

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